ENP at the National Meeting of Women Police organised by UNIJEPOL in Madrid. One minute of silence for the Ertzaina
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Linking Scotish Policewomen Network
The president of the Scotish Women’s Development Forum (SWDF), visit ENP president in Barcelona.
1st Spanish Meeting of Women Police
Madrid, February 23 1St Spanish Meeting of Women Police Internacional Security Safety and Fire Exhibition Click here to see the program
European Institut for Gender Equality
Executive Board Members of ENP visited EIGE in Vilnius
Workshop in Vilnius – Lithuania
Participation in the Workshop of Personal Developement and Well-Being. Headquaters of Criminal Police Bureau. Vilnius. Lithuania. 1st of February
General Board Meeting
General Board Meeting at the Headquaters Criminal Police in Vilnius. Lithuania
Slovenian Woman of the Year
The honorary title of the Slovenian Woman of the Year awarded to brave and courageous police officer Mirela Čorić This year the winner of the Woman of the Year Award, [ … ]
As President of the European Network of Policewomen and member of the police force of Barcelona, I would like to express my gratitude for the messages of solidarity and support [ … ]
Training Against Hate Crimes for Law Enforcement
Training-of-Trainers Training Against Hate Crimes for Law Enforcement (TAHCLE) 1-3 August 2017 Garda Síochána College, Templemore, County Tipperary, Ireland