

WE serve, WE protect, WE lead, WE are police!

Our ENP members from Kosovo, Taibe Canolli – Brajshori and The Netherlands, Vanessa van den Berg, joined the 61th IAWP (international Association for Women Police) conference in Chicago, United States. More than 1000 women working in law enforcement, criminal justice and border control in more than 70 countries were represented here. The conference had the theme ‘WE’ which resonates as WE serve, WE protect, WE lead, WE inspire, WE empower, WE are police.

As always, the common theme in the program of the conference is women in leadership, law enforcement and criminal justice, diversity, inclusion and equity and emancipation of policewomen within the force.

The challenge to recruit and retain women within policework is real for every police force across the globe. To legitimately keep our position as police within society, we need to reflect this society itself. Kosovo and The Netherlands are doing well as for women within the police force. But is it enough? And how do we keep the importance of it on political agenda. How to not involve in ‘tokenism’, because being a woman is no talent. As a woman you want to be recognized for your worth, your talent, you are the best for the job and that’s why they want you for the job! Let your work speak for you, make yourself seen and don’t play small. Make it hard for ‘them’ to ignore you. Support your woman peers. You do not have to wait for the system to change, you can bring change in your corner. Full of inspiration, knowledge, and connection with international colleagues, Taibe and Vanessa returned to their home country.

For additional questions you can connect with vanessa.van.den.berg@politie.nl